Poor baby had his first bike accident yesterday. I heard the screaming from outside and then in walks Jack with a swollen, bleeding chin. There were plenty of tears, but it was a good thing I had just gotten home from Wal-mart with a brand new box of Spider man Bandaids! How is it that a bandaid can cure anything for a kid?

All is much better today though!
Oooo...there are those couches again (drool, drool). And ouch, Jack! But at least he's all smiles again.
When are you coming this way? I need your company.
Great interview on Betsy's blog!
Dang he's cute!
Wow, what perfect timing to have picked up band-aids on the exact day you needed them! Talk about mommy intuition!
Poor baby :(
I can relate, I split my chin open more times than I can count when I was a kid. Unfortunately mine always required stitches. Glad his didn't.
What a trooper!
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