Yup- JackJack turned 3 yesterday and to celebrate, we had a big bar-b-q with our funfun friends.
We added a little spiderman theme to the mix...

When It was time for cake, we gathered everyone around (about 40 people) so that we could sing to him a blow out candles. I get my camera out and Jack starts freaking out. He jumps off the stool and announces, "I've gotta get my hair ready!!!" and runs off to the bathroom. 2 minutes later he comes out with dripping, slicked hair. I swear I had nothing to do with that.
So... up at the bar again, candles burning, and the whole party singing Happy Birthday and my CAMERA DIES!!!!! I was sooo ticked! my friends are asking... do you want us to start over.. we can re-light the candles...etc... But I'm convinced I won't be able to fix it so the party goes on.
Well.. My dear friend Stephanie takes over and gets some GREAT pictures with her CELL PHONE! Yay!!! Thanks Steph!!!

Notice how he refuses to look at her too? :)
Well... then shortly after cake and icecream time I get my camera back working. PHEW!
I run outside to grab one of him on our new swingset that my Cliff worked so hard on to get done by the party.

Then it's Present time which was mass chaos. He didn't want to look at me for any of the pictures or even stop to show me what he got. I had to get a picture of this though.... A couple of weeks ago I asked him what he wanted for his birthday... His response = A elephant!
Okay.... So I find this cute fluffy elephant and pick it up for him. He Opens it, takes one look at it and hands it to Bella saying, "Here Bella, this one's for you." Hahaha... I guess it looked girly to him or something.

Then we had Pinata time! Woohoo...
Jack absolutely LOVED having the freedom to WHACK the crap our of something! I had a hard time getting the stick away from him so other kids could have a turn...

His favorite new thing is the Star Wars electric ride-on 4wheeler. He wouldn't let me take a picture of him on it, but some other cute kid was all grins for me on it. :)

So Happy Happy Birthday mr. JackJack! I'm so glad that you're finally thwee odles!
LOVE ya!!!
HOW CUTE is the Thwee odles.... and the slicked hair! That totally made me laugh...way too cute. Little boys are the cutest. I love your slide picture...and, I think 40 people for a 3 yr. old party is definately some sort of record!!!
Happy Birthday Mr. JackJack! Man, that kid is a crack-up! It looks like you guys had a great time and I wish I could've been there! Thanks for all of your "listening" to me today. I'm grateful for you! Are you joining us for our girls weekend? C'mon! You know you want to!
Omg, I am cracking up at "freedom to whack the crap out of something"! Love your little one on the 4-wheeler...adorable. Sounds like quite the party for him. Happy Birthday Jack.
happy birthday to your big guy!
I can SEE he had a fantastic day!
WTG mom!
Amanda! I love our pictures! I can't wait to see the rest! And, does this comment count for Lisa? I love her pictures. Thanks again for taking our pictures!
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