We just had to hit this pepsi machine before the sun set. I sent the 2 oldest girls into albertsons with a $20 to grab a six-pack of pepsi and off we went. We literally shot til the sun went down. SOOOO much fun!!!
Thanks again guys! It was a blast!!!

until next time...

Thanks for the comment on my blog!! BTW all of these pics are fantastic. You must be thrilled!!
All great again - what an awesome session. Love the last image!!! Also the two with little boy fantastic.
WOW! I am truly amazed! This is the coolest looking family and the photos are amazing! I love the texturing! What a fabulous photographer you are!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Every single one is amazing. I feel sorry when they have to try and narrow them down!
Amanda, I met you at the Mesa Workshop a while back. I'm a neighbor of Holly's.
I love stalking your blog. You do SUCH a great job!
Thanks for the inspiration!!
Oh these are so much fun!
Amanda, this whole series is SO MUCH FUN - AMAZING PICS, I had a blast just looking at them, so contagious!!!
these are so awesome!! what a unique and creative idea...the whole series is just so much fun!!
Beautiful and creative. I LOVE them!
just have to say..cool new banner~!
These are really lovely Amanda, love your pp and the textures look great, a well spent $20 lol
You totally rocked ALL of these!
well done
These pictures are so great! What a fun idea. I love your editing! I have got to get on the ball and learn CS2. Everytime I try, I get a little frustrated! I guess it just takes lots of practice!
These are awesome!! Pepsi should hire you for their next ad!!
I can't believe you're not on my blog-check-list yet... your pictures are so gorgeous! set bookmark.... :)
OH.MY.GOSH!!!! These are unbelievable! FAbulous sessions with these kiddos. I seriously can't pick a single fave out of all of them! They are gorgeous girls too. So fun! You've had some fun and have been doing great work lately. I promise to be a better blogger friend and leave more comments from now on too. :)
These are so much fun, love them all :)
these could totally be a pepsi ad! Love the vintage pepsi machine :)
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