(taken september, 2006)

I was pretty proud of myself for getting a picture of them all looking at me AND getting them in focus. The conversion is another story, but because i knew nothing about NOT EDITING THE ORIGINAL, the photo stays as is because the quality is shot after series of re-edits.
SOOOOOO... This weekend, while Cliff was gone hunting with his dad, I decided that I would try to get a picture of all my kids together. I knew it might be next year before I would get one of ALL of us, but I had to try to capture atleast my kids. My real hope was to capture something "canvas-worthy", which by what i'm about to show you, you'll see didn't happen. However, I think I got a few worth framing atleast. So here they are.... my little four....
(lots and lots of them... )

for this one, I should of put numbers on their chest. It reminds me of a police line-up and bella has been asked to turn to the left for a profile view... :D

karen - guess where these few were taken?...

We went out to this AWESOME location that i will definately be re-visiting, but let me tell you the pokey goat-head weeds were OUT OF CONTROL!

and the last one... can you tell how un-cooperative they were???

Now I gotta get some of these ordered for the wall.. Anyone wanna help me decide which ones to blow-up??? :)
These pictures are so awesome! What a beautiful family....I like the first one with the four of them.
You do definitely have some "canvas worthy" ones.
poor photographers children...what did you bribe them with???? It's hard when you are going into it planning on a canvas, too. I like the first and second one. Nice ensembles.
I have no idea where the 3 pics were taken -- but I am assuming at the little house (but the brick is throwing me off)!! BUT my Favorite of all of them together is pic #2. No wonder you didn't have time for Secretary stuff!! PICS take a lot of time -- especially when you are the hairdresser, clothing coordinator, location director, and the photographer! WOW you can do it all!
I'm so jealous! You did such a wonderful job on these. Wanna come to Memphis and shoot my kids??? hahahah :-)
These are beautiful! Love the lighting on the close- ups!
Your kids are so cute! And you have come a long way in two years! Love them.
My fav are 1 & 9 have fun picking there all great!
You have beautiful children and you are a great photographer.
O.K....these are AMAZING! Your kids are gorgeous but these photos are just stunning! When can you come to Illinois and take my kiddos photos?!? LOL!
You all did an amazing job, I love them ALL!! Your littlest one is soooo big now!!! He was just a wee thing in SF!!
Okay, love em all. But that last one would look perfect on a big canvas! By the way, I don't have one good picture of all three of my kids together get. But it's not for lack of trying.
These are fantastic!!! There are msany that would look great on canvas!
you did a great job! I know how it is when your doing what you love but with your own kids (they dont cooperate)I liked #2 & #3 but they are all really good!!!
wow, Amanda these are simply gorgeous, I absolutely love all of these, the colors and locations are awesome and beautiful kiddos!
Are you kidding? I think you have plenty to choose from for a canvas! Especially love the first 2 of all of them. I spent all day Saturday trying to shop for clothing for our family photo, ran out of time, and had to push it back. (I think I bought my girls that exact brown jacket that Bella has on for our pics.) Of course I'm trying to coordinate clothing based on the Christmas card I'd like to use. HaHa
Your children are exquisite! truly beautiful!
no 2 large on canvas, gorgeous!
i looooooooooooove them all! I smell a canvas!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!! BLow up all of them...he he he! The colors are amazing....
wow ... these are just gorgeous photos! you have 4 beautiful children ... and they did such a great job posing for you! i wouldn't know how to narrow these down ... so many great ones!
Amanda - you are so GOOD! Here I was all proud of a few pictures I just posted on my blog, then I click over to yours and hate mine - HA!! I LOVE the 1st one in the doorway with no shoes. Thanks for the inspiration!!
Print them all - how to choose. But stunning stunning children - & the colours are to die for Missy. Brilliant job - I hear you I've 4 as well - what a nightmare. Don't seem to have the patience with my own as I do with strangers! Good luck - can't go wrong.
I agree print them all! They're goregous and so are your children! Dying to know if you use all natural light or flash?
I can't believe you don't think these are canvas worthy! (Or were you being sarcastic??)
My favs are #7 and #10!
Thanks so much everyone!
Melissa - I only used natural light.. i think i've used my flash a total of 2 or 3 times every.
Thanks again!
Fantastic stuff!!! Love, love, loved the ones of the girls. Have fun this weekend! I'll be thinking about you in Columbus (mostly about how it's that time of the year--you should be there with me!).
These are amazing and your kids are so adorable! So what's your trick? I only have two kids and I can't ever get good pictures of them together - I would've never guessed they were being un-cooperative!
Wow...I think they turned out great. The colors are wonderful! I do like the 2nd, 3rd and last ones a lot though. Good luck!
I love all of them!!!! My favs are 1 and 2. You just never cease to amaze me, you have a real gift!! Your kids are gorgeous!
Wow Amanda - you have beautiful children and how awesome that you were able to photograph them all together - that's so hard especially when your kids are soooo used to seeing the camera. I love the locations, posing, composition, processing, everything!!! Fantastic post! And so cool to learn a little more about you and your family!! Gorgeous kids!!
Love photos #8 and #10 from the top. That's of the group, of course. Then you need one of each child's individual prints... Then you need more walls... Guess I'm not much help either. I like them all!
I'm a lurker on your blog but had to come out and tell you these are AWESOME SHOTS of you kids. I have the hardest time getting a decent shot of my three. I just LOVE you post processing. And thanks for the link to Melissa's blog. What a great idea:)
They are all fabulous! And I miss you and your family! And my brother, too, of course! :) Love you!
well I already told you how much I love these, sersiouly you must be over the moon with the results!!
Keep me in mind as I try to get my kids together in a shot in the next couple weeks!! :-)
Hey! It's Jennifer (the one from the AZ workshop who wants you to criticsize (how DO you spell that word?) my photos.
SO! I really LOVE ALL the pics you took of your absoltuely beautiful kids...I am totally in love with the last one though.
I had to giggle when I read your post because our most "recent" picture of our kids is 2 1/2 years old, missing the youngest and was taken at Target. I used to really like Target studio pictures...when my youngest was like 2 months old we drove the three hours to Mesa, I got us all dolled up, re-organized my breat-feeding schedule, got us all to the store on time THEN we waited an hour, spent an hour in the studio and honestly in all the shots we looked like we were sea sick. I was so frusterated!...That's my main reason for pursuing photogrpahy. I want to be able to document my family and do it well enough that I can hang the pictures on the wall and be proud of it.
ANYHOW! I can't wait to hear what pictures you choose to hang!
Thanks again for the workshop. You and Holly are amazing!
The first 2 for sure! Thank you for having talents...have you seen my pictures? ha ha OH you have to have a camera? I see..ha cute kiddos! Love the pics!
Amanda, These are beautiful! Did you use Bella's Action on these esp. the one with the yellow tractor or big equipment machine. I also ordered the newborn wrap you recommended!! Thanks from Patsy in Louisiana. Please e-mail me at patsypitzer@hotmail.com.
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