i don't know what the grumpy looks are about... he really was in a good mood the whole time...

I'm not sure what kind of pose this is, but i'm pretty sure he thinks he's cool stuff!

At one point, I asked him to put his elbows on his knees... well... this is what i got :)

Oh you have some amazing images here - just gorgeous. Hard decisions! Reckon that is he BLUE STEEL (not grumpy).
You got some amazing photos. I don't think my 3-yr-old would let me get nearly that many! My fave is the close-up of him looking up. He has the most gorgeous eyes:)
OMG, the elbows on the knees shot made me LMAO!!! He's so handsome!
He is such a handsome little guy! I can't pick a fav...love them all!
He is such a handsome little guy! Wish my little guy let me take pics of him like that at 3. He is finally realizing Mom and the camera are not going away. Now he humors me....for a little while at least! LOL
What a cutie - love all those facial expressions!!
What a handsome guy! Love all of them. Can't wait to see more.
LOVE the face in the first one, so serious being 3!
awesome photographs of a totally handsome chap!
UH-dorable. :)
these are wonderful, I love the variety of expressions and I adore that little attitude shot!!! Happy B-Day to your handsome little man.
aww...man! He's a cutie!
HI jack. I am so glad you had a good time on your birthday. I want to see a pic of you in your dinosaur p.j.s-reading the dinosaur book. I love you.
Oh my goodness! He is 3 already! Time sure does go by fast.
I love these pictures of him, he is just oozing personality! They made me smile.
He has such beautiful eyes.
Great pictures Amanda!
Cute stuff..hope you had a great birthday little man...
Oh I love that first one of him holding up 3 fingers - too cute! And the one of him in the doorway is precious! Pictures!
We're coming through town, but the email I sent you got returned! I'd love to meet up...email me and i'll fill you in on details!
chanfamily at byu dot net
Your pictures are beautiful!!!
I hope it is ok that I linked your blog from mine?! I was at your fabulous workshop in Mesa... I just love your pictures and your blog!!!!
Thanks :)
I think he might be even cuter than Cliffy! We miss you guys and had so much fun with you! I am so grateful for glow sticks! Love you!
oh my gosh! He's such a doll! You're bound to have trouble with the girls!! :)
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