Poor J flew off the slide last week and hit his head on a brick. It split it right open all the way down to the skull. I did take pics of it, but i won't share them cuz i don't want to make anyone pass out.
Anyway... Cliff was gone so I had H call our neighbor while I held J. She came running down so that I could take him to the hospital to get stitches. The girls were screaming more than he was cuz they were so worried about him. H was sure that it was all her fault. Well... as soon as J saw me put my shoes on he started screaming that he was all better and to take my shoes off. There was NO WAY that I was going to get this kid to the hospital by myself. After finally getting a hold of Cliff, he suggested that we call our other neighbor, friend, and surgeon to have him come take a look at it. He told us it would benefit from stitches, but instead of traumatizing J any further, we held him down and let the neighborhood surgeon apply steristrips to the gash.
They were supposed to stay on for atleast a week without getting wet. To try to help with that I went to wal-mart and bought every kind of boyish band-aid I could find. Well... That worked for a few days, but last night he ripped that whole dang thing off. Ewwwww.... it was ugly and I'm sure is gonna leave an ugly scar. We're still trying to keep it covered while it tries to heal. He insists on being his own doctor with the band-aids and today I found him like this......
I'm not sure how many band-aids are on his head, but i'm sure I'll have to buy more soon.