Friday, March 07, 2008

2nd Grade Concert...

with little miss "H". She soooo badly wanted a solo and was so excited when she found out that she was chosen to sing the solo in "Land of 1000 Dances". She was a little dissappointed though, that the song didn't really give her a chance to show off her voice. :)
She did an AWESOME job!!!
We're so proud of you!


Mindy said...

Way to go H! So awesome of her to develop her talents and be brave enough to share them :)

Allison said...

What a little performer! You'll have to post some video of her singing...sounds like she's quite talented!

Alexandra Frankel said...

Adorable! Now that I've met you, I see so much of her in you. Beautiful.

Laurie said...

She just looks more and more like you all the time! I'm impressed that she loves being in the spotlight! And that must be all of that practice time with Grandma A! :)

Tracey Kendall said...

wow...looking at these pictures she lots so they are growing up fast. You must be so very proud...i would be :)

Holly said...

Way to go, miss H. I bet she did a fabulous job!