Thursday, January 11, 2007

Would my blog be complete without pics like this?...

Okay, before we get to the pictures, I just wanted to give a HUGE Thank You for everyone who took the time to read my list and comment. It was soo fun sharing and I'm so glad that so many of you decided to take on the challenge and share too. It has been so fun getting to know everyone a little bit better. If you still haven't, then I say give it a try. It's a ton of fun. Let me know when you do, because I wanna come and read all about you!
Now onto the pics...If you knew my familly, ....well, my husbands family, you would know why my blog feels more complete with pictures of my 1 yr old son holding a dead duck! What the heck?! My husband sent him downstairs and into the office with this thing in his hand. He came down grinning, so proud of himself. Ofcourse I screamed when I turned around and saw him. But what did I do next? Yep, I grabbed my camera and told my husband to take him outside for some quick pics. He's just too proud of this dead bird, and he's not even the one that shot it.... He's totally my husband's son!


Anonymous said...

That's too funny and cute. I hate to say, that's what my "live" cat looks like after he's had a play with the boys! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

Brave kid, Brave Photographer!!!! Nice shot!

Anonymous said...

AHHH!! I can so see my kids doing that!! ROFL

Anonymous said...

Okay thats a little gross but still totally cute pics. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's totally gross! As a mom of boys, I suspect I'll witness a number of gross moments like that in my lifetime! I love his face, proud of himself!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, now I know what is in store for me! I have an 8 month old son! LOL!

Very cute pictures!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You have me laughing out loud here... that's all I have to say about these pictures! I can see him someday wanting to use this as his baby picture in the yearbook!

Oakstream Photography said...

OH MY! TOO FUNNY! I LOVE it! Those are the kinds of pics my hubby ADORES...hehe!!!!

Anonymous said...

