Bella loves to play make-believe. She plays all day long and Cliff and I get such a kick out of sitting in the other room and listening to her talk and play. About a month ago I was downstairs in the office on the computer and she was in her room playing. I could faintly hear her through the vent. After a while she yelled right into the vent, "Hello down there". I'm sure that she didn't expect a response, but she yelled it again. So... I decided to respond in my best fairy-like voice. She acted as if it was completely normal that there were voices coming from the "fan" as she calls it and continued on having a conversation with me, the fairy. She asked me what I looked like, if I had brothers or sisters..It went on and on. And me on the other end am trying to have this conversation without crying because I'm laughing so hard. She says that she has to go, but quickly runs back and exclaims, "I'm a human being!". Then she runs down to tell me all about it. The joy on her face was just too much. I would have loved to have been her as a child and had a real(kinda) fairy friend. Occasionly we still have fairy conversations. Am I mean for this? I'm not sure when I should break the news...
Here she is for you...MY very own Fairy Princess!

OMG Amanda, these are absolutley amazing. Your lighting is PERFECT. And that is the cutest story. If only we didn't have to grow up, face reality and not believe in faries anymore...
This story is amazing and the pictures to go with it are amazing. Keepers! Oh yeah, don't tell her. Let her have her fun. She'll have wonderful memories.
OMG!! I love these shots - so 'girly girl'!! I love the lighting and conversion on it - it adds to the whole 'fairy-like' setting. Precious daughter and precious pictures. She'll love you for it =).
Thanks for the comment on my blog -that list took forever =).
Oh, Amanda! your kids are soooo fun!!! you are a fun mom too!!!!Thanks for sharing the picture and the story, I always love a story behind a picture.
Amanda, that is the cutest story ever. Those stories are what makes blogging so much fun for me. You dont ever want to forget them.
Amanda - I love these pictures and truly love your story. It reminded me of the introduction to Richard Bach's "A Bridge Across Forever" about knights and princesses - and how they still exist. Now I want to read that book I ever get off on a tangent....
Anyway - marvelous photos
What a stinken cute story! These photo's are beautiful - fantastic job!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if this were a contest-- your photos and story would win hands down!!!!!
ok, dang I had a COOL post- it disappeared.
it said:
if this were a contest- you'd win for story AND pics!!!!!!!
awwww....I don't think you're mean.....I think you're the coolest mom EVER!
Those are great pictures! Love the lighting!
Your photos are brilliant! And the story is so endearing. I wouldn't tell her for a long long long time. Eventually she'll stop talking to her fairy friend. Then one day you can admit to her what you did. I think I would only love my mother that much more for caring enough to "play" with me like that and for giving me the gift of make believe! Wonderful! TFS!
That is the most adorable story. She is so lucky to have you as a mom- one day(after she knows the truth) she will remember it fondly. How exciting that must be for her, hehe. The pictures are awesome too!
Amanda--You posted a comment on a photo I posted of my kids' pea toes. I just have to say I love your photos & writing style. This story in particular made me laugh so hard! I could easily see myself in this situation, in fact, I make a pretty good tooth fairy! Keep up the great work & I intend to read your blog again!
I am dying over that story! How absolutely sweet is that? You know I love these pictures anyways, but that story makes it so much more meaningful. You are anything but a boring blogger, you crazy girl :)
I'm just seeing these, but I love the photos and the story behind them is absolutely priceless! How sweet.
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