Yup, That baby is mine! On friday I went into the OB/GYN and this sonogram showed that I was 8 weeks along - official due date - December 21, 2007. Merry Christmas, eh?
So yeah, I haven't been feeling my greatest. Mostly gaggy and tired.... okay, EXHAUSTED. And the wierdest thing..... Blogging makes me ill. Yup.. infact, just about anything that has to do with photography makes me wanna puke. I don't know what the deal is, but I hope I get over it soon. I have a senior shoot on Thursday and i'm dreading it. :P
With my last pregnancy it was any music by Jack Johnson.... yuckyuckyuck... and I loved his music. But it was MONTHS before I could listen to it without my stomach turning. And NOW... photography. I don't know what I'm gonna do but if anyone has any suggestions, I'll take em.
So... Thats our big news. We're so excited for #4 to join our family. Cliff's positive that I only wanted to do this so i could get myself a newborn model to work with. haha.. Well...lucky me anyway! :)