So... My bloggin' Friend
Megan tagged my a while back to list a few of my favorite things. Megan, I'm sorry that this took me forever to get to, but hey - I'm actually doing it!!!
I really had a hard time coming up with stuff/products that I just couldn't live without, but I finally thought of 2 things that I use on a daily basis...
The first one
Victoria's Secret Lip Plumper.

now for those of you that know me personally know that this is a product that I really don't need. I already have big lips. Big enough that I was even teased as a kid. Now... I'm just proud of them. :) But the other magicall thing about This lip plumper is that it makes your lipstick last for-ev-er! All day almost. So for that ... I love it and don't go a day without it.
The second thing that I can't make it through a day without is
Diet Vanilla Pepsi.
I'm currently trying to wean myself off of the stuff.. but I tell ya... i just love it. One can a day isn't so bad is it? :)
So... I'll probably think of somemore stuff later, but for now that's all I've got. And... I'm supposed to tag 2 more people so...
Anna and
Julie - You're it