I read on a fellow bloggers(thanks Amy!) blog that she had listed 100 things about her. It was so interesting to read and get to know her and when she left the challenge open to readers I was anxious to join in. I thought that it was an especially good time, being the 1st(ish) of the year and all. A time to look at myself, who I was, who I've become, who I want to be.... Who I Am.
So for those of you who visit(if any at all...) Here are 100 things about me....
1. I have blonde hair
2. I have blue eyes
(bare with me.. I still have 98 to go)
3. I'm 5'9 ( i won't fill in the weight on number 4)
4. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers ( no step or half - yeah, go ahead and picture my childhood)
5. I was born and raised in Santa Rosa, Calif and have only been back to visit since I left in '94.
6. I attended college at BYU in Provo Utah
7. I majored in Bio/Pre-med...but never finished(that's a whole 100 other things list)
8. I'll celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary this year!
9. I'm mom to 3 beautiful children.
10. I love to TRY to be creative
11. I love spending money...on anything
12. I have an addictive personality
13. I want to lose 20 lbs
14. I enjoy being pregnant.
15. I look forward to labor and delivery and enjoy everything about it.
16. I enjoy reading a good book, but haven't done so for a long time.
17. I miss the beach
18. I love vietnamese food
19. Getting up at 8am feels early to me
20. I own my own business.. actually 2...3 if you count my husbands chiropractic clinic
21. I don't like to cook, but I do every once in a while
22. I'm thankful for religion in my life
23. My husband spoils me, and if he doesn't.. I do it myself.
24. I wish my kids were best friends at every moment
25. I'd like to go back to school one day and study something medical related.
26. My new favorite addiction is photography (as of 9/06)
27. I like my steaks cooked Medium
28. I love red meat
29. I want my kids to know I love them
30. I enjoy silence.

31. I don't like the jets turned on in a hot tub
32. I hate saunas
33. I'm trying to get over a soda addiction
34. I rarely eat breakfast
35. I love a loud radio when I'm in the car by myself
36. I have to have my hair pulled back and completely off my face and neck when I sleep.
37. I think i'm finally getting over my insomnia (on most nights)
38. I enjoy being around people
39. I'd rather go somewhere and talk than go to a movie
40. I don't like missing out on things.
41. I love really Hot baths
42. I enjoy fly fishing with my hubby.
43. I'm a good shot with a rifle and a shotgun
44. I once shot an antelope...and enjoyed it.
45. I have to close the blinds once it gets dark
46. I love to laugh
47. I love laughing more when it's with my husband
48. I'm almost always on time(except for church)
49. I enjoy learning new things and usually learn quickly
50. I have a guitar, but don't know how to play(maybe someday)
51. I have a great life
52. I have great kids
53. I'm trying to be a better mom
54. I'm a peacemaker
55. I enjoy giving
56. I don't enjoy back massages(usually)
57. My husband cleans house more often than me, but I do it better..
58. I often live out of a pile of clean laundry
59. I'm horribly unorganized
60. I enjoy the internet
61. I might get pregnant again this year
62. I delight in having every piece of laundry clean and put away
63. I hardly ever make my bed
(my house is starting to sound pretty messy, isn't it?)..it's not too bad
64. I pray regularly
65. When I set goals, I am DETERMINED to accomplish them and usually do
66. I once took sailing lessons
67. I used to want to skydive, but since having children, have no desire
68. I have horrible handwriting ( I should've been a doctor)

69. If I could be a doctor, I would be an ob/gyn
70. I can't wear socks to bed.
71. I feel better about myself when I get dressed up.
72. I go nuts if i forget to put my watch on
73. I love having breakfast for dinner
74. I love watching tv in bed.
75. I hardly ever go to sleep before midnight.
76. I don't enjoy gardening.
77. I'm a worrier
78. I don't accept gifts well from others.
79. I'm horrible at saying goodbye.
80. I love to wear dangly earings.
81. I can't leave the house without mascara
82. I drove a 15 passenger van with a bed in the back my senior year of highschool
83. I love loud dance music
84. I bribe my kids
85. I'm 30 and it hasn't been too bad.
86. This is the first year in my life that I've felt like I can say that I think I have a talent

87. I used to scrapbook.
88. I love to be inspired
89. I want to inspire others someday
90. I hope that I'm a good example
91. I should tell my kids, my husband and my friends that I appreciate them more often
92. I feel that there is always room for improvement when it comes to myself
93. I look forward to change
94. I don't want a million kids, but I can't imagine closing that chapter
95. I hate the sound of alarm clocks regardless of the time of day or if i'm awake or asleep
96. I want lasik eye surgery, but i'm scared
97. I love to blog...it's definately become ONE of my addictions
98. I swore I'd never live in Idaho, and now I do
99. I love a new purse because it's easier than cleaning out the old one.
100. Sometimes I clean clutter by putting everything in a laundry basket and hiding it in my closet.
Now.. Tell me about you. I'd love to get to know you, or get to know you better. Please leave me your link.