Thursday, November 30, 2006

Christmas is coming...

and I can't believe it's that time of year already!! We haven't done a thing to get ready. This isn't even our tree. This picture was taken at Christian's house last week. Looking at it definately puts me in the mood for some good christmas music by the fire. I guess it's time to go get a tree too. This is the first year that I'm actually debating buying a fake one. So taboo, I know, but it seems like it will be so much easier, and cleaner, etc. I'll just buy christmas scented candles and that will be good enough, right? We'll see, I guess. For now, I'll just enjoy this picture of little Jack!


amy gretchen said...

Great light in this photo. I love how intense he's looking at the tree. It's a great shot and sharp too.

Anonymous said...

Amazing picture...did I mention how much I wish you lived by me so that you would photograph MY kids like that???? And hey, don't knock the fake tree...we're going on 6 years with out own little 'Charlie Brown' version and it's served us well!! :)