I can't believe I'm a week behind! It seems like i'm usually looking for something to happen to give me a reason to blog and now i can't catch up. So here's Last weekend's post with lots and lots and lots of photos.
We decided to head out to Cliff's brother's house for Memorial day. When we got there, we found out that their dog had had a batch(as cousin kelli called it) of puppies the day before. Oh My Goodness!!! My kids were in heaven! Especially Jack, he could NOT put the poor little things down. He had to pick each one up and spend special time with it in his own little chair and before moving on to the next, he'd give it a gentle kiss on the top of the head. By the end of the weekend they all had names. Too fun!

On saturday, We decided to take a big family trip to Yellowstone National Park. Can you believe that my husband has lived in the Rocky Mountains for most of his life and he's never been there?? Anyway, it was a crappy weather day - it rained most of the time, (even snowed for part of the way) so we spent most of the time in the car...sat in the rain waiting for Old Faithful to do it's thing, and headed home. Maybe some day we'll go back when we can enjoy it a little more. :)

Sunday ended up being beautiful! I spent some time with Carson just hanging out...

The kids played outside trying to catch butterflies and make wishes. I wish i had a picture of all the butterflies. It was like a butterfly storm there were so many flying around.

After dinner, Grandpa took a few of the boys to feed one of the neighbor's horses. They LOVED it!

They LOVED it even more when Grandpa took them to a different neighbor's house and he let them RIDE his horse (actually a mule :)
Jack could NOT wait to go for a ride!

He didn't get to go first so here he is patiently waiting...

Finally his turn! I know this picture doesn't show it, but he really was mr. permagrin the whole time! Soooo cute!

When we got home i grabbed a few of the girls and tried to get a nice sunflare pic..

Then... with the little light left, Laurie and I jumped in the car with all the little girls... ALL 5 of them and headed on a very short photo adventure. We needed no radio though, because we were entertained with Hannah Montana Songs the whole way... pretty funny!
I'd seen this coke can on the way into town and knew I had to get a pic of it for Wendy and Karen - Here ya go girls...

Then we tried out a few other spots with the little light we had left...

Then on Monday, before we left, Laurie asked if I'd get a quick shot of baby Cohen. And... I just had to share... Remember him? He's my cute newborn from my October posts. Can you believe how Cute and big he is?!!!

Phew... I don't know if you made it all the way through this post, but I did! ha!
Thanks for reading! I'll try to post this weekend's adventures in the next few days. :)