Friday, October 20, 2006
Could this be..
the Great Pumpkin? This is my friends little boy. I asked him to hold this pumpkin out for me and after I took the picture he said, " I want you to hold it now." and he took off. He was such a good sport.

My little Dragon...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
In search of the Great Pumpkin
Today was Bella's fieldtrip to the Pumpkin Patch. She was told by her teacher to not forget to wear her yellow "fieldtrip shirt", bring a lunch, $1 for a pumpkin, and her biggest muscles. She told me over and over. She was so excited to go and then when we got there, she pretty much stayed in the car the whole time. I got her out for a few minutes, but then she hopped right back in because of the cold, the bugs and anything else that she could think of. Jack and I had fun though....

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
And he shall be called...
DASH! We had the hardest time naming that cute little bugger. Probably a harder time than we've had naming any of our kids. We finally decided to let the dog name him self. I know - it sounds crazy (kinda korean huh?) We decided that we would put our favorite five names on to five different pieces of paper, crumble them into balls, lay them out, and let the puppy have at it. We got down to 4 names and I told Cliff to decide on the last one. He quickly through out "Dash" and I wrote it down. We let the dog in, he walked up to the paper balls, sniffed around for a bit, picked one up and walked it over to me. When I opened it up - there it was... DASH. There you have it. Now we have Jack Jack and Dash. We need violet...
Two mor TuTu's...
Monday, October 16, 2006
My first publicaton!
Well, sort of. I submitted a photo to coffeephotography.com and it was accepted and posted today! It's just another blog set up to showcase different photographers and types of photography. Pretty exciting to me though!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Our Newest Addition!
Cilff went to Rexburg this weekend and brought home a little present. Uncle Chris claimed this puppy for Jack for his birthday and it was finally old enough to come home. He's a German Short Hair, which excites Cliff because it's supposed to be an excellent Huntin' dog. And sorry for the improper introduction, but we don't have a name for this poor little guy yet. We've promised the kids that we'll name him by tomorrow night so if you want to through in your suggestions.... Haley has compiled a list of possibilities which include: Buster, Chocolate, Thunder, Big spot, Cocoa, Peanut, Tadje, Hunter, and Monster. Anyone got something better or want to vote on one of these? We'll update you later on what we decide.

Friday, October 13, 2006
That wasn't Funny!
I took Bella and Jack to the park today before picking Haley up from school. I thought I'd see if I could get any decent pics in the full blown afternoon sun so I took my camera. Well, it was a good thing because while I was pushing Jack on the swing I hear Bella screaming. I look up and on the other side of the park I see this. She's stuck, all I can see is her feet and I start laughing. What? I had to take a picture of it. She was pretty ticked later and excaimed, "That WASN'T funny!!"

A Brother's Love
You'll just have to take my word for it when I say that these are 2 of the cutest little guys i've ever seen. Cute little faces, adorable personalities, and the most beautiful blue eyes (which we know I love). However, I screwed up most of the shots of their faces with bad lighting. DANG! Just trust me. This one didn't turn out fabulous, but I thought that it was such a sweet capture I had to share.

Thursday, October 12, 2006
Trick or Treatsies, Smell my...
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Blue Eyed Boy..
I told you I liked those blue-eyed kids. I'm so used to photographing my girls that I had no idea what to do whit a 5 year old boy. After trying to pose him for a while I asked him what he wanted to do. He responded with, "go inside and play". Hmm.. I won't be asking kids that one anymore. He was very cooperitive though and a little cutie.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Her mom might think I'm crazy...
because she goes home with pictures of herself everytime she leaves my house. I have to say that my children have the most beautiful brown eyes(from daddy of course) but there is something about being able to capture the beauty of blue eyes on film. So, I just love when Haley invites this little friend over to play. I just make sure that I have my camera ready!

Monday, October 09, 2006
Bella in her tutu
I finally got her to put it on and pose for me. As you can see, she fought the look at the camera thing again. I had to bribe her with a bag of candy, but you didn't expect any less did you. She's just so stinkin' cute though, that I even love her pouty pictures. Oh she's just a stinkin'cute little sass.

Sunday, October 08, 2006
I found one worth posting...
First of all, I guess everyone needs to get used to fuzzy pictures of Jack cuz he moves way to fast for me. Funny thing about this pic though, I was trying to practice my photography with Bella and in walks Jack. He sees me with the camera, sits down up against the wall and smiles. He totally posed for me! He usually takes off running thinking that the camera means lets play tag. I very quickly snapped this shot and off he ran. Not bad for taking it quickly...

Sunday, October 01, 2006
My Girls
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