..which translates to Jack's first birthday celebration. It was so fun. We had tons of friends come to join us in a huge Korean bar-b-q. Cliff's mom helped which made it even yummier. Jack looked so cute in his honbook. And he was happy to let me put it on him. I think that both the girls cried when i tried to put them in thier dresses. Jack, on the other hand, seemed to love it (or maybe the attention that everyone was giving him). In Korea, at the dol chan chi, the child gets to choose his lifes path. 4 items are placed out. Books represent education, noodles represent long life, money represents wealth, and oranges represent an abundant life. Haley and Bella(and every other korean kid that i know) chose oranges. We tried to tempt Jack with a hundred dollar bill. Maybe we should have crumbled it up to resemble a ball, because like every other 1 year old, he went right for the pretty round oranges. Yeah Jack!! An abundant life for you it is.

I had to post this picture to show everyone how much alike my son and I look. Can't you tell he's mine? ha ha ha - he's 100% Cliff.